--- licence_title: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) licence_link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ licence_restrictions: https://cert.europa.eu/legal-notice licence_author: CERT-EU, The Cybersecurity Service for the European Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies title: 'Critical SQL injection vulnerabilities in MISP' version: '1.0' number: '2023-013' original_date: 'February 20, 2023' date: 'February 21, 2023' --- _History:_ * _21/02/2023 --- v1.0 -- Initial publication_ # Summary On February 20, 2023, the MISP project team released advisories regarding 2 critical SQL injection vulnerabilities in MISP Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform [1]. The team decided to follow a silent fix procedure, releasing several updates in November and December 2022, giving enough time to users to update their instances to a safe version. # Technical Details **CVE-2022-48329** The MISP platform allowed users to provide custom field ordering for certain endpoints such as RestSearch. These ordering were set using URL parameters in the format of `/order:field_name`. However, the `order` parameter of the CakePHP `find()` function is not SQLi safe and thus, the MISP project team has introduced field allow-listing for any occurrence of custom order fields. Any sorting relying on `/sort:field_name/direction:asc|desc` is unaffected and safe [2]. **CVE-2022-48328** The `CRUD` component of the MISP platform would allow for custom search parameters to be passed - and whilst the lookup values are SQLi safe and properly sanitised, the field names themselves are not. With some clever forged requests, these can be abused [2]. # Affected Products **CVE-2022-48329** [2]: - MISP before v2.4.166; **CVE-2022-48328** [2]: - MISP before v2.4.167; # Recommendations As the project team released the version `2.4.167` on December 22, 2022, most of the MISP instances should be safe already. Nevertheless, CERT-EU recommends checking running MISP instance versions, and updating MISP Threat Intelligence and Sharing Platform to the latest version, when applicable, as soon as possible. # References [1] [2]